Education and Employment

Improving access and securing sustainable education and employment opportunities is crucial element of effective rehabilitation and a key component of the HMPPS business plan.

Education and Employment

Improving access and securing sustainable education and employment opportunities is crucial element of effective rehabilitation and a key component of the HMPPS business plan.

Working alongside CFO

How CFO services can complement your work, without duplication, and with dedicated support for each individual:

CFO and Education and Employment

The Creating Future Opportunities Evolution programme will provide opportunities for people in custody and people on probation to access education, training and employment opportunities. The programme will focus on achieving sustainable, long-term employability thus reducing the likelihood of reoffending.

Benefits for participants

Participants are able to access a wide range of support including identifying existing skills/interests thus building self-confidence, setting long term achievable goals, accessing funded courses relevant to employment and tailored support and advice. The CFO programme will offer participants ‘in work support’ in the community to ensure they are supported every step of the way.

Making a referral in your region

CFO commission services nationally, with providers and activities varying on a region-by-region basis. To make a referral to CFO in your local area, please click below.

You can also get in contact with your nearest CFO location to speak to them directly about what is available to your participants.

Emma*’s Story

Having lived in care as a child, Emma* left school without any qualifications and only began to gain qualifications (English and Maths) while in custody. Due to her early life and offending behaviour, she lacked any support network, and would often struggle dealing with her emotions alone, turning to drug use.

Emma* found out about CFO through Probation and expressed a desire to move to the next stage of her life and avoid reoffending by setting up her own business – she also wanted to provide for her children and be a good role model to them.

She needed help with a variety of skills, including financial management, decision making, organisation and emotional coping methods. Emma*’s Case Worker quickly set her a task of creating short, medium and long term goals, landing on the aim of setting up a laundrette – this focussed Emma* and made her determined to avoid reoffending. She also gained a large amount of extra support to help her rehabilitation journey. Her Case Worker registered Emma* with a dentist and looked at her debts, creating payment plans to make them more manageable, meaning she could focus clearly on setting up her business.

Emma* gained funding from organisations to purchase the required washing machines and dryers and a list was drawn up for all the extra required material. Securing these extra items proved a real challenge, and frustrated Emma*, making her angry and upset at times, but due to her determination to achieve the long term goal of setting up a business, she communicated her feelings well and remained resilient.

Through the guidance of her CFO Case Worker and emotional determination, Emma* succeeded her goals and is now relishing in self-employment. She was hugely appreciative of the support she gained from her Case Worker is pleased to have given her children a more positive start to life than she was afforded.

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