Healthcare and NHS

CFO work alongside health services to help participants live healthier lives, reducing the likelihood of reoffence.

Healthcare and NHS

CFO work alongside health services to help participants live healthier lives, reducing the likelihood of reoffence.

Working alongside CFO

How CFO services can complement your work, without duplication, and with dedicated support for each individual:

CFO and Healthcare Services

CFO engage with NHS Reconnect, CRS Dependency and Recovery, NHS commissioned treatment services and mental health services other healthcare charities and provisions in order to provide wraparound support for participants on their rehabilitation journey.

Creating Future Opportunities community provision offers a safe space for participants to spend time and take part in a range of activities to support participants. Available in over ## community locations, each participant journey is tailored to the individual to complement existing resettlement arrangements and reduce reoffending.  

Benefits for participants

Participants working with health services can use CFO services to gain a number of benefits. As well as addressing wider resettlement needs (independent living skills, money management, social inclusion, confidence building, accommodation to name a few) participants can receive support to sustaining access to NHS services, advocacy and utilise provision to create stability.

Participants with poor mental health, or those who need wraparound support for drug and alcohol interventions can also receive a full range of assistance from CFO locations.

Making a referral in your region

CFO commission services nationally, with providers and activities varying on a region-by-region basis. To make a referral to CFO in your local area, please click below.

You can also get in contact with your nearest CFO location to speak to them directly about what is available to your participants.

Mawaan*’s Story

Referred to the Hastings CFO Activity Hub by Probation, Mawaan* was facing a variety of challenges around his health, homelessness and employment. His mental health was a particularly large barrier to successfully settling in the community.
Mawaan*’s Support Worker spent time going through the benefits of the Hub with him, putting him at ease and opening him up to a space where he would be socially included and able to address his key challenges.

One of which was meeting with a doctor and getting dedicated care for his mental health. Mawaan*’s Support Worker would register him with a local GP and made a referral to Mind, which was an especially beneficial part of Mawaan’s rehabilitation process.

With his mental and physical health under better control he was able to use the CFO Activity Hub to address his homelessness, driving licence issues and work on employability. He was supported to update his CV and write a disclosure letter, with a look to accessing a self-employment coach.

This full suite of wraparound support reduced Mawaan*’s anxieties, allowing him to sleep better and engage well – he even started to cook for himself, eating better and taking parting in sports to keep him healthy. Despite his complex needs, Mawaan* has started to feel more comfortable in the community, thanks to the dedication of his CFO Support Worker.

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