Creating Future Opportunities
HM Prison and Probation Services (HMPPS) Creating Future Opportunities (CFO) know that people with strong foundations in place to make a success of their lives, are less likely to re-offend. CFO projects are aimed at addressing barriers via appropriate support mechanisms tailored to individual needs and reducing re-offending. Established in 2002, we have secured over £530m of external funding via the European Social Fund for the Ministry of Justice.
CFO Evolution
The CFO Evolution programme will commence delivery on 1st August 2024.
The CFO Evolution programme will build on the CFO3 and CFO Activity Hubs successes and the CFO’s work over the last two decades with hard-to-reach offenders. The CFO Evolution programme will be delivered in 90+ custody sites and over 25 community sites.
The overall focus of HMPPS Creating Future Opportunities is to help offenders move towards mainstream provision or activity which reinforces the value of leading law-abiding lives, such as entering employment, education, training and interacting positively with their key relationships and local community.
This is achieved through facilitating access to comprehensive support mechanisms appropriate to their individual circumstance and assessed need, and as such is a key delivery vehicle for MoJ Strategic Outcome 2: Reduce Reoffending. CFO Evolution is not a standalone programme. It is designed to complement and support core HMPPS provision, increasing value for money from other projects and better preparing those socially excluded to make a positive contribution to society.
Armed Forces Covenant
In 2016, HMPPS CFO was the recipient of an MoD Covenant Fund Trust (was Grant) fund. The project was called “Network for Ex-Service Personnel” (NESP). As a recap on the NESP project 2016-2018; the original proposal was to work with those Detainees Under Sentence (DUS) at the Military Corrective Training Centre, Colchester and also those in HMPPS CJS who have previously served for the Armed Forces and help support them through the gate with the ultimate goal of finding employment and reduce reoffending rates.