
North East

About CFO North East Community Delivery

Participants can engage with CFO across the North East area at a pace which suits their rehabilitation journey, with tailored support to help overcome personal barriers. Activities and interventions available include housing, financial support and education and employment.

This practical support aims to build personal resilience, upskill participants and strengthen support networks, amongst others. All of which aims to help participants to reach a mainstream destination.

CFO Activity Hubs are available in five North East locations and represent a safe, non-authoritarian space where participants can, and importantly want to engage in a range of activities.

CFO delivery in the community can take place in a CFO Activity Hub or through Provider peripatetic delivery. This may include (but is not limited to):

Addressing wider barriers to accessing mainstream opportunities (addictions, low levels of literacy/numeracy, motivation and confidence levels etc.) 

Overcoming practical obstacles (obtaining ID, registration with GP/dentist, support to retain or secure a tenancy) 

Access to partner delivery sites, including funded transport/travel to pop-up Hubs or community delivery sites

Practical courses (vocational, basic skills, financial literacy etc.) 

Improving likelihood of securing employment (disclosure, CV creation, interview techniques, job applications, communication skills etc.) 

1-2-1 support and group activities to allow participants to tackle barriers at their own pace and in a comfortable manner

Additional skills (healthy living, money management, safeguarding, wellbeing etc.) 

Working through recorded sessions or workbooks with a Support Worker

Collaborative appointments with professionals in the community

Community Locations

Participants can engage with CFO in the following North East community locations. Please note: Community sites are currently in the process of going live and may not be accessible just yet. Referrals can still be made at this time.

About CFO North East Custody Delivery

CFO custodial delivery is available across the North East. This includes dedicated CFO Wings, feeder prisons and outlier prisons.

The CFO Evolution programme is designed to ensure maintained motivation and confidence throughout, whilst preparing for community resettlement. Engagements include peer mentoring training, classroom learning, community contribution and much more. Specific participant needs are taken into account throughout.

CFO Wings in particular are welcoming spaces where individuals feel supported, understood, cared for and valued whilst working towards release.

Custodial Locations

Click here to see a full map of custodial delivery including Feeder Prisons, Outlying Prisons and Female Prisons.

Participants can also engage with dedicated CFO Wing in the following North East custodial location.

Make a referral

Making a referral to CFO is simple and easy, simply click below to access our referral form.

Elias* and Harry*’s Story

Many CFO participants have experienced loneliness and social isolation, and faced difficulties expanding their social circle or re-integrating with their community and family post-custody.

Elias* attended the CFO Activity Hub in Darlington for support with a range of issues including social isolation and a lack of supportive network. He was instantly able to see the benefits of the community aspect, taking part in a wide range of activities that improved his social skills and made him feel valued amongst his peers.

Speaking about his experience at the Darlington CFO Activity Hub, Elias* said: “I was surprised that guys in their late teens up to mid-60’s engage with each other in activities and conversation with a genuine interest, not just out of politeness. One of the participants started a pool league, which I take part in, another is in the process of starting a chess club. I have also attended some of the music sessions at Darlington.

“CFO Activity Hubs have had a massive impact on the lack of enthusiasm I exhibited, and I have witnessed, first hand, how other participants have become more confident in themselves and around others. I have been given a new purpose and I cannot stress too highly how effective this approach to offenders and offending is.”

Harry* is another participant who has benefitted from attending the Darlington CFO Activity Hub, reducing his isolation. He took part in a activities including yoga, arts and crafts, community walks and more; these group activities gave him an opportunity to forge better relationships and continue to make progress to reintegrating into society.

PACT would help Harry* to reconnect with his brother, whom he hadn’t spoken to in four years. The team worked through why Harry* had become isolated from his family, and began an exchanging of letters between the two. This resulted in Harry* meeting with his family for the first time in a long time, again battling back against the social isolation he experienced.

After one session at the Hub, Harry* revealed: “After the first session I felt so relieved that I cried, I had needed to do that for 10 years.”

These participants are just two of the many examples who have reduced their loneliness and improved their pro-social worth through attending a CFO Activity Hub in the community.

The Hub has helped me in many different ways and all the staff are unique in their own individual ways. My Support Worker has offered me support In understanding my feelings and emotions, I can’t thank her enough for what she has done.
Jack*, North East CFO participant
The Hub has helped me in many different ways and all the staff are unique in their own individual ways. My Support Worker has offered me support In understanding my feelings and emotions, I can’t thank her enough for what she has done.
Jack*, North East CFO participant

Activities Available

These are just some of the many activities available to participants within the North East, all of which support the participant to reduce reoffending.



Female-only Sessions

Community Projects

Green Projects

Arts and Crafts

1-2-1 Support

CFO Delivery Map
Make a Referral
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