North West
North West
About CFO North West Community Delivery
Participants can engage with CFO across the North West area at a pace which suits their rehabilitation journey, with tailored support to help overcome personal barriers. Activities and interventions available include housing, financial support and education and employment.
This practical support aims to build personal resilience, upskill participants and strengthen support networks, amongst others. All of which aims to help participants to reach a mainstream destination.
CFO Activity Hubs are available in six North West locations and represent a safe, non-authoritarian space where participants can, and importantly want to engage in a range of activities.
CFO delivery in the community can take place in a CFO Activity Hub or through Provider peripatetic delivery. This may include (but is not limited to):
Addressing wider barriers to accessing mainstream opportunities (addictions, low levels of literacy/numeracy, motivation and confidence levels etc.)
Overcoming practical obstacles (obtaining ID, registration with GP/dentist, support to retain or secure a tenancy)
Access to partner delivery sites, including funded transport/travel to pop-up Hubs or community delivery sites
Practical courses (vocational, basic skills, financial literacy etc.)
Improving likelihood of securing employment (disclosure, CV creation, interview techniques, job applications, communication skills etc.)
1-2-1 support and group activities to allow participants to tackle barriers at their own pace and in a comfortable manner
Additional skills (healthy living, money management, safeguarding, wellbeing etc.)
Working through recorded sessions or workbooks with a Support Worker
Collaborative appointments with professionals in the community
Community Locations
Participants can engage with CFO in the following North West community locations. Please note: Community sites are currently in the process of going live and may not be accessible just yet. Referrals can still be made at this time.
Blackpool CFO Activity Hub
Phone: 07714 916595
Address: Forsyth House, 16 Queen Street, Blackpool, FY1 1PD
Liverpool CFO Activity Hub
Phone: 07341 604133
Address: State House, Dale Street, Liverpool, L2 4TR
Manchester CFO Activity Hub
Phone: 0773 132 7221
Address: 7 Watson Street, Manchester, M3 4EE
Blackburn CFO Activity Hub
Phone: 07384 119231
Address: First Floor Offices, Crabtree Street, Furthergate Industrial Estate, Blackburn, BB1 3BD
Preston CFO Activity Hub
Phone: 07850 955413
Address: Urban Exchange, Theatre Street/Mount Street, Preston, PR1 8BQ
Warrington CFO Activity Hub
Phone: 07341 604133
Address: Second Floor, Tannery Court, Tanners Lane, Warrington, WA2 7NA
About CFO North West Custody Delivery
CFO custodial delivery is available across the North West. This includes dedicated CFO Wings, feeder prisons and outlier prisons.
The CFO Evolution programme is designed to ensure maintained motivation and confidence throughout, whilst preparing for community resettlement. Engagements include peer mentoring training, classroom learning, community contribution and much more. Specific participant needs are taken into account throughout.
CFO Wings in particular are welcoming spaces where individuals feel supported, understood, cared for and valued whilst working towards release.
Custodial Locations
Click here to see a full map of custodial delivery including Feeder Prisons, Outlying Prisons and Female Prisons.
Participants can also engage with dedicated CFO Wings in the following North West custodial locations.
CFO Discovery Wing – HMP Risley
The Summit – HMP Lancaster Farms
Make a referral
Making a referral to CFO is simple and easy, simply click below to access our referral form.
Raj*’s Story
Raj* was residing in a local AP and was struggling to adjust to life in the community due to his issues with autism, confidence and nervousness in social situations. He lacked independent living skills, which were identified by his Probation Officer and Support Worker.
Having engaged on a 1-2-1 basis to start with, Raj*’s comfort and confidence at the Manchester CFO Activity Hub grew massively, being able to take part in larger group sessions including arts and crafts, Men’s Matters, quizzes, Hub walks, drama and more.
Thanks to these confidence-building sessions, Raj* felt ready to get support from the Hub around his exclusion zone and restrictions. Many of the efforts focussed on social inclusion to help him find his own place in society, which would reduce the likelihood of reoffence.
His lack of independent living skills would be addressed too, being the main area of support for Raj*, as he had never lived alone previously. This support came from all angles, starting with lighter tasks such as cooking for himself, before moving onto support with setting up direct debits for bills and a care plan for when he would move into his own property.
Support Workers contacted local organisations on Raj*’s behalf to secure some furniture and white goods into order to make the transition run smoothly, reducing the impact on his autism. They also supported Raj* with a PIP application by compiling information needed for him, and supporting him with the eventual phone call. All of this would help complementing his mainstream activities and ensure that he would be best set up for independent living.
Raj* continues to grow in confidence and is unleashing his creativity at the Manchester CFO Activity Hub, engaging with a number of media projects and looking into employability for the first time.
“The support I have had has been fantastic; it has helped me to feel proud of myself because I have achieved a part-time job and a future to look forward too. It has helped me to realise what I now have, and I do not want to lose any of it by re-offending.”
Jimmy*, North West CFO Participant
“The support I have had has been fantastic; it has helped me to feel proud of myself because I have achieved a part-time job and a future to look forward too. It has helped me to realise what I now have, and I do not want to lose any of it by re-offending.”
Jimmy*, North West CFO Participant
Activities Available
These are just some of the many activities available to participants within the North West, all of which support the participant to reduce reoffending.