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Latest Analysis of the HMPPS Employability Programme shows positive impact on reducing reoffending rates
A recently updated analysis conducted by Justice Data Labs and published 25th April 2024 has confirmed that HMPPS Co-Financing Organisation (CFO) Programme continues to be effective in reducing reoffending rates among offenders.
The impact of the Community Living Unit
Recently at the Community Living Unit at HMP High Down, staff were able to host the first Family Day event for the group – a massive occasion for all involved. For many, it was the first time participants had seen their families in a long while, and for others, it was the first ever opportunity they have had to dine with their families in a restaurant setting.
The First Steps to Recovery – CFO Activity Hubs and Drug and Alcohol Support
CFO work with a number of participants who have challenges around drug and alcohol usage and provide a safe space for these participants on the road to recovery.
Unlocking mental health through performance
Unlock Drama deliver rehabilitation projects through theatre across the prison estate and community, unlocking potential and reducing reoffending. They have recently began delivering across several CFO Activity Hubs, including Nottingham, Wolverhampton, Birmingham and Leicester.
HMPPS CFO ViCSO Awards included in today’s latest OVA ‘Strategy For Our Veterans’ 6 monthly report
Veterans Lead for HMPPS, Carrie Rogers said:“I am delighted that the CFO Veterans In Custody Support Officers Awards have been included in the latest OVA report. Veterans in Custody Support Officers (ViCSOs) are a testament to the prison service, and we are delighted their hard work has been recognised.”