Collaboration with commissioned rehabilitative services is key to maximising opportunities for people on Probation.
Collaboration with commissioned rehabilitative services is key to maximising opportunities for people on Probation.
Working alongside CFO
How CFO services can complement your work, without duplication, and with dedicated support for each individual:

Engagement on a local level with commissioned rehabilitative services will allow CFO to develop a greater awareness of provision delivered, reduce duplication and ensure the CFO Evolution programme complements delivery.
Benefits for participants
Participants can access CRS and CFO provision simultaneously to aid their rehabilitative journey. CRS provision is available via the Probation Service to address criminogenic need and the chosen route to complete rehabilitation activity requirement (RAR) days. CFO provision is a voluntary programme designed to provide additional opportunities to address various elements of rehabilitation.
CFO participants can also work on employability, gaining a variety of skills that move them closer to the labour market.

Making a referral in your region
CFO commission services nationally, with providers and activities varying on a region-by-region basis. To make a referral to CFO in your local area, please click below.
You can also get in contact with your nearest CFO location to speak to them directly about what is available to your participants.
Dominic*’s Story
Nervous and suffering with poor mental health and paranoia, Dominic* needed a lot of support when first accessing the CFO programme. He was also sofa surfing and having difficulty registering with the Local Authority, which only enhanced the barriers to rehabilitation.
Staff made sure to be extra welcoming, and used 1-2-1 sessions to help Dominic* become more comfortable in the CFO Activity Hub. As time progressed he became able to sit with others and found a safe space the West Midlands Hub.
As a result, Dominic*’s Support Worker began to tackle the issue of accommodation, helping him to register with Dudley Council Housing and liaising with Nacro CRS Accommodation, staying in contact with all parties throughout to ensure a successful outcome for Dominic*.
Meanwhile Dominic* would be helped with independent living skills. Cooking and healthy living were addressed, meaning that once Dominic* moved into his accommodation he would be capable and ready.
A property was found, and work was done between CRS and CFO to help with initial rent, all of which has not only got Dominic* a secure space, but improved his mental health, helping him to feel like a valued member of society once again. Speaking about his experience, Dominic* said: “I am so grateful, I cannot thank the staff enough at the CFO Activity Hub for their support. They have made it possible for me to find accommodation and settle in comfortably”.
What CFO services are available in my area?
Visit the CFO Delivery Map to find out