The Creating Future Opportunities programme collaborates with DWP on both a national and regional scale to ensure services are complementary and collaborative working is evident.
The Creating Future Opportunities programme collaborates with DWP on both a national and regional scale to ensure services are complementary and collaborative working is evident.
Working alongside CFO
How CFO services can complement your work, without duplication, and with dedicated support for each individual:
CFO Evolution providers engage with local DWP districts to promote services available for both prison leavers and those serving to community sentences. Providers work to ensure local DWP colleagues are aware of the referral process and engage regularly to ensure regional relationships are evident.
Where DWP and CFO co-location is apparent, participants are able to access DWP support via CFO Activity Hubs and support is provided to ensure participants are maximising opportunities available to them from each service.
Benefits for participants
Participants working with DWP can use CFO services to gain a number of benefits. This can include social inclusion, accommodation support, positive activities, confidence building, and much, much more.
CFO participants can also work on employability, gaining a variety of skills that move them closer to the labour market.
Making a referral in your region
CFO commission services nationally, with providers and activities varying on a region-by-region basis. To make a referral to CFO in your local area, please click below.
You can also get in contact with your nearest CFO location to speak to them directly about what is available to your participants.
Andrzej*’s Story
English not being his first language meant Andrzej* was experiencing a breakdown in communication with his DWP designated Work Coach, creating a barrier to improving employability.
Having identified this issue, the CFO Activity Hub arranged various training courses including CSCS card and a fork lift truck licence. CFO supported Andrzej* in engaging with the weekly DWP session within the Hub. The DWP Work Coach attended the CFO Activity Hub weekly, and a connection between participant and stakeholder was established.
The DWP Work Coach attending the Hub was able to dedicate time to Andrzej*. He repaired communication and advocated on his behalf with his DWP designated Work Coach. It was also identified that a travel pass would benefit him in attending the course and potential employment.
Having built up a relationship with Andrzej* and the DWP Work Coach in a safe space, the participant’s journey was much smoother. He was able to successfully attend and complete the courses thanks to his travel pass, moving Andrzej* closer to the labour market. He is now actively engaging with DWP thanks to the wraparound support from the CFO Activity Hub.
What CFO services are available in my area?
Visit the CFO Delivery Map to find out