Below you can find publications relating to HMPPS CFO’s commissioned services.
If you have any queries regarding any publications, please contact the HMPPS CFO Service Desk.
Prison Study Series – Understanding the distinctions between peer mentor and peer support roles in prison.
This series of reports outlines the findings from a peer mentor & peer involvement roles in prison study series. The study was conducted across four differently profiled prison sites by a research team from Sheffield Hallam University led by Dr Katherine Albertson. The HMPPS CFO wing model provides a specialist staff team and meaningful activities alongside peer mentor and other peer involvement role opportunities, aimed at generating a sense of collectiveness on the wing, to support residents towards realising crime free pro-social futures.
Analysis of the HMPPS Co-Financing Organisation Employability Programme Shows Positive Impact on Reducing Reoffending Rates
A recently updated analysis conducted by Justice Data Labs and published 25th April 2024 has confirmed that HMPPS Co-Financing Organisation (CFO) Programme continues to be effective in reducing reoffending rates among offenders. The findings reveal encouraging results that underscore the programme’s potential to make a significant difference in rehabilitation efforts and for the first time, JDL were able to isolate the CFO programmes impact on female offenders.
HMPPS CFO – The effect of CFO Activity Hubs on Reoffending Risk Post Release from Custody
This report provides a brief overview of the impact on reoffending rates of the CFO Activity Hubs programme. Results show that over a 6-month follow up period after enrolling onto the CFO Activity Hubs programme, participants who received intervention were less likely to reoffend compared to a ‘similar’ group of participants that did not receive intervention
HMPPS CFO – The effect of CFO Activity Hubs on Reoffending Risk Post Release from Custody – Poster
HMPPS CFO – The effect of CFO Activity Hubs on Reoffending Risk Post Release from Custody – Technical Report
Technical report, supplement to report “The effect of CFO Activity Hubs on Reoffending Risk Post Release from Custody”. This report describes in detail the framework and analytical methodology used to investigate the effect of CFO Activity Hubs intervention on reoffending rates post release from custody. Results show that over a 6-month follow up period after enrolling onto the CFO Activity Hubs programme, participants who received intervention were less likely to reoffend compared to a ‘similar’ group of participants that did not receive intervention.
HMPPS CFO – Employment 6 Months After Release
Impact report looking at the proportion of CFO participants that are in employment 6 months following release from custody, using CATS, MI, HMRC employment data and DWP benefit data.