CFO Sustainability
Our Sustainable Development Plan
We are committed to sustainable development (meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs) as a guiding principle within our work.
All providers will be encouraged to reduce negative impacts on te environment as well as addressing economic and social factors whilst delivering provision. Both the CFO and prime providers will be required to report their progress against the Sustainable Development implementation plan on a six monthly basis to ensure all aspects receive full coverage and remain high on the CFO agenda.
CFO Sustainability
The UK government is committed to Sustainable Development, the government aims to stimulate economic growth, maximise wellbeing and protect the environment, without negatively impacting on the ability of future generations to do the same.
The purpose of a Sustainable Development policy is to provide a public commitment in order to promote Sustainable Development and to comply with relevant environmental legislation whilst delivering ESF provision. Sustainable Development in the European Social Fund programme has a strong environmental focus to help provide some balance to the European Social Fund’s strong social and economic focus.
CFO Statement
As an ESF funded programme the CFO will develop a number of practices to ensure lower negative impacts on the environment as a result of business delivery, this will be achieved by:
- Monitoring prime providers sustainable development policies and implementation plans on a bi-annual basis to ensure they provide an ongoing commitment to sustainable development. Providers will also hold central copies of all Sub-Contractor sustainability policies and implementation plans and evidence they are monitoring on an annual basis.
- Ensure CFO dispose of waste using a registered waste collector and observe and comply with the Waste Electrical and Electronic (WEEE) regulations and ensure that WEEE is not mixed with general waste and is disposed of legally. All prime providers will be required to adhere to WEEE regulations and also monitor their sub-contractors commitment.
- The CFO will create and regularly assess the sustainable development implementation plan and detail specific actions it will take as an organisation to minimise waste, energy consumption and where possible minimise travel and promote the use of public transport. The implementation plan will be reported against bi-annually to evidence an ongoing commitment to Sustainability and provide an opportunity for the organisation to assess any room for improvement. Prime providers will be required to mirror this approach and liaise with the CFO Engagement Lead to evidence their commitment and progress on a bi-annual basis.
- The sustainable development implementation plan will include a section to evidence why each aspect of sustainability is being monitored and how this benefits the organisation and the wider environment.
- Both the CFO and prime providers will be required to demonstrate how staff members are made aware of the organisations sustainable development policy and the importance of adhering to this policy. This will be evidenced in the sustainability implementation plan. The CFO and prime provider’s policies will feature on the CFO web page for participant and external stakeholder interest and will be updated annually.
The focus of ESF programmes for 2015-2023 is social inclusion, in terms of sustainable development, ESF aim to ensure projects promote skills and training which are required now and in the future, as well as providing opportunities for everyone to fulfil their potential. The ESF Sustainable Development aims will be addressed through the projects the CFO facilitate, this will be achieved by:
- Understanding the challenges within the offender cohort and adapting the services provided to address the challenges
- CFO3 Providers will submit quarterly provider updates regarding programmes delivered and how each provider targets specific ‘hard-to help’ offenders
- Contract Performance Managers monitoring providers progress/project delivery and implementing measures if targets are failing to be achieved
- Monitoring monthly provider statistics which measure whether offenders are receiving the correct provision in order to access skills and job opportunities
All relevant environmental legislation and set social objectives targets will be adhered to and be the driving force in committing to improving the CFO programme.