CFO Activity Hubs

CFO Activity Hubs

CFO Activity Hubs offer a safe space for participants to spend time and take part in a range of activities. Hubs are completely voluntary and complement existing Probation Practitioner arrangements.

Focusing on encouraging participants to engage with activities, Hubs can receive referrals from different sources, including; Probation, courts, police, self-referrals, DWP, CFO3 and linking to local Probation Practitioner arrangements.

The provision is located in 16 community locations, with an additional 5 satellite locations and 1 veteran hub at HMP Holme House. View the CFO Delivery Map to find CFO services or scroll to the bottom of this page to see who is delivering these services in each region.

All CFO Activity Hubs involve local organisations to offer a structured and individually tailored package of support. CFO Activity Hubs complement other existing and planned available provision.

CFO Activity Hubs

CFO Activity Hub Participants

Our participants can typically face the following barriers:

  • Unskilled
  • Unqualified
  • De-motivated
  • Drug and/or alcohol issues
  • Behavioural issues
  • Debt problems
  • Accommodation problems

CFO Evolution

The CFO Evolution programme will commence delivery on 1 August 2024. For current CFO delivery please contact your CFO Activity Hub providers below.

The CFO Evolution programme will build on the CFO3 and CFO Activity Hubs successes and the CFO’s work over the last two decades with hard-to-reach offenders. The CFO Evolution programme will be delivered in 90+ custody sites and over 25 community sites.

The overall focus of HMPPS Creating Future Opportunities is to help offenders move towards mainstream provision or activity which reinforces the value of leading law-abiding lives, such as entering employment, education, training and interacting positively with their key relationships and local community. This is achieved through facilitating access to comprehensive support mechanisms appropriate to their individual circumstance and assessed need, and as such is a key delivery vehicle for MoJ Strategic Outcome 2: Reduce Reoffending. CFO Evolution is not a standalone programme. It is designed to complement and support core HMPPS provision, increasing value for money from other projects and better preparing those socially excluded to make a positive contribution to society.

It’s been a life changing experience since my release from prison. My main worry was trying to find something to do to fill my time, and avoid going back to old habits. The other main worry for me was that I would struggle with work since my release. But again, the hub put my worries to rest.

CFO Activity Hub Participant

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